Celebrate National Heart Month by Raising Awareness of Cardiomyopathy
Represent Your State in CCF’s Awareness Challenge
During National Heart Month, you can help shine a light on pediatric cardiomyopathy — a chronic and potentially life-threatening heart disease affecting thousands of kids. Pick one or all of our fun awareness activities, and join us in our month-long campaign to put the focus on cardiomyopathy. For every awareness activity you do, you will earn a heart icon for your state on CCF’s Heart Month challenge map.
Bake for a Cure
Bake for a Cure is CCF’s signature National Heart Month initiative that increases awareness of cardiomyopathy and also raises research funds to find cures for the disease. Hosting a bake sale for CCF receives a larger heart on our challenge map and special recognition on our social media pages. To start planning, visit our Bake for a Cure planning page, and register your Bake for a Cure event today. We'll send you a free kit with balloons, stickers, posters, and handouts to add some spirit to your bake sale.
Send a Valentine
Spread awareness of cardiomyopathy by sending CCF valentines to friends, colleagues, and your child's teachers and classmates. Print CCF's valentine cards and give them out with your valentine treats at school or tie them to your Bake for a Cure cookie bags.
Share the Facts
Check CCF's Facebook page for weekly facts about pediatric cardiomyopathy that you can share with friends and family on social media. Spread the word that heart disease, such as cardiomyopathy, affects children too – often with worse outcomes.